Umbrella Guides (Pilot)

The Umbrella guide program is in a pilot phase and will be rolled out soon 
Inquiries can be made at [email protected]  


IPTGSA Umbrella guideThe Umbrella Guides 

The IPTGSA endeavours to assist with creating sustainable tourist guide work in the tourism industry, especially for those not initially formally employed by the industry. We see the candidate, for instance, the gardener at some church grounds, who has vast knowledge of the facility he maintains and oversees. This "Umbrella Guide" will be easily identified by his blue umbrella, shirt, and peak cap. It will identify him to domestic tourists, bus drivers, tourist guides, and tour leaders as having the skill and knowledge for a worthwhile stop. The successful umbrella guide will have a recognised NQF2 qualification in tourist guiding. The IPTGSA will support the umbrella guide with ongoing mentoring at the start of his/her career path in tourism. 

Illustration of our vision

 Imagine the scene - driving along the N1 through the Karoo on your annual summer holiday. You are looking for a place to stop, when suddenly, you see a blue umbrella next to the road. Out of curiosity, you stop. The chat with the umbrella guide promises a wealth of information about the place of interest. A defined fee is paid followed by the umbrella guide’s narrative. Bingo for the sojourner and for the umbrella guide.

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